2024-2025 Academic Catalog

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Public Health (PBHL)

PBHL 1001 -  Race, Gender, Class, & Health  (3 Credits)  
Course focuses on the principles, tools, and population approach of social epidemiology as it relates health to race, gender, and class. Contemporary topics in public health will be used as case studies to illuminate principles and tools both in lecture and in recitation sections. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Social Sciences.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 1020 -  Public Health Biology  (3 Credits)  
This course is designed to introduce students to the application of the biological sciences to the field of public health – that is, health promotion and disease prevention at the population level. The course will provide an introduction to the field of public health biology largely through a discussion of pathologies of public health relevance, including infectious and transmissible disease, genetic disease and chronic disorders. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
PBHL 1111 -  First Year Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students
PBHL 2001 -  Introduction to Public Health  (4 Credits)  
An overview of the discipline and practice of public health. Includes the history of the field, its population perspective, emphasis on prevention, tools and techniques. General principles of the field are illustrated through contemporary public health case studies. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 4 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SS3.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, Social Sciences; GT courses GT Pathways, GT-SS3, Soc Behav Sci:Hmn Behav, Cul.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 2052 -  Global Demography and Health  (3 Credits)  
This course examines current issues in population growth, fertility, mortality and migration throughout the globe; introduces basic demographic tools; encourages critical thinking about the causes and consequences of population change. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Denver Core Requirement, International Perspectives.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 2990 -  Topics in Public Health  (3 Credits)  
An in-depth study of selected social science perspectives/theories and their applications to population health. Topics will vary from semester to semester, with a particular emphasis on current, salient population health problems. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
PBHL 3001 -  Introduction to Epidemiology  (4 Credits)  
Introduces the basic concepts of public health and epidemiology, including assessment of disease in the community, the study of causation and association of disease with lifestyle and environmental risk factors, as well as related special topics. We recommend coursework in college algebra or higher as preparation for this class. We have found that students who take this class before completing their math requirements are at a distinct disadvantage in this course, which is math-intensive. Therefore a grade of C or higher in MATH 1110 or equivalent is strongly recommended. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 4 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 3002 -  Ethnicity, Health and Social Justice  (3 Credits)  
Surveys core issues contributing to racial or ethnic minority differences in health status. Historical and contemporary U.S. health and social policy, including the areas of environmental health, sexual and reproductive health, children and immigrants, are examined. Cross-listed with ETST 3002. Term offered: fall. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall.
PBHL 3010 -  Human Sexuality and Public Health  (3 Credits)  
The focus of this course is on human sexuality using a public health lens, examining a number of sexual health issues and their relationship to individual, familial, organizational, and social-level influences. Additionally, we will focus on identifying both primary prevention and intervention approaches to reducing sexual risk factors and increasing healthy behaviors. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3020 -  Introduction to Environmental Health  (3 Credits)  
This introductory survey course focuses on the human health implications of environmental exposures. Topics include pathways of exposure, toxicology, risk assessment, regulations, and policy development. Additionally, environmental equity, ethics, globalization, international perspectives, climate change, sustainability, and activism are considered. Note: Students will not earn credit for this course if they have already earned credit for PBHL 2020. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3021 -  Fundamentals of Health Promotion  (3 Credits)  
Provides an overview of the field of health promotion, including an introduction to key theories and methods, as well as exposure to the breadth of programs and diversity of settings through several case studies. Includes attention to health behaviors as contributors to current public health problems and community-based approaches to health promotion in addressing them. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3030 -  Health Policy  (3 Credits)  
Health policies may have a profound effect on quality of life. Accessibility, cost, quality of health care; safety of food, water, and environment; the right to make decisions about our health; these issues are vitally tied to health policies. This course provides a framework for understanding the social, political and economic dimensions of health policy. Prereq: PBHL 2000 or 2001 with a C- or higher. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: PBHL 2000 or PBHL 2001 with a C- or higher
PBHL 3031 -  Health, Human Biology and Behavior  (3 Credits)  
Introduces the multi-factorial nature of human health and well-being. Considers the influences of biology (genetics), behavior, environment, culture and social determinants, and health policy on the nature of disease and health problems from an integrated perspective. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 3041 -  Health, Culture and Society  (3 Credits)  
Examines health and illness for individuals, families, and societies from multiple international perspectives, focused on topics such as traditional vs. Western medicine, characteristics of healers and therapeutic relationships, and stigmatized segments of society and their health status. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3050 -  Decision Making  (3 Credits)  
This course discusses current research on decision making/behavioral economics, as well as its application to individual well-being and public policy. You will gain insights on how and why people can be irrational in their daily decisions. Cross-listed with ECON 3050 and PSYC 3050. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3051 -  Mental Illness and Society  (3 Credits)  
This course takes a social and public health--as opposed to medical, biological or psychiatric--approach to understanding mental disorder and society. Course addresses historical definitions of mental illness, social patterns of mental disorder and treatment and experience of mental illness patients, focusing on the U.S. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3060 -  AAPI Communities and Health  (3 Credits)  
Surveys core issues shaping health experiences and health status of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the United States. Historical and contemporary U.S. health and social policies that have directly impacted AAPI health and well-being in the United States are examined. Students will also engage with community leaders and partners committed to AAPI communities. Cross-listed with ETST 3060. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3070 -  Perspectives in Global Health  (3 Credits)  
This course examines public health approaches to analyzing health issues and identifying evidence-based and culturally appropriate interventions to reduce health inequities and improve global health. Focuses on challenges to global health such as under-resourced health systems, lack of effective global governance, aging populations, rising chronic diseases, and climate change. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 3071 -  Global Topics In Sexual and Reproductive Health  (3 Credits)  
Surveys trends and determinants of sexual and reproductive health around the globe and in the United States. Examines the social and behavioral determinants of sexual and reproductive health and the influence of policy. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3081 -  Health in the City: Urban Health  (3 Credits)  
This course introduces students to urban health and the various factors of the physical, social and health environments that affect well-being and vulnerability of communities and neighborhoods in cities. Note: This course will include a weekly collaborative assignment, a high-impact educational practice, that foster student engagement with active and problembased learning. Although not required, it would be helpful for students to have completed a 2000-level course from the undergraduate program in Public Health. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3091 -  Live Long and Prosper: Public Health & Aging  (3 Credits)  
This course provides a broad overview of the interdisciplinary field of public health aging, ranging from individual attitudes and beliefs about aging to policies that aim to maximize health and well-being among older adults. A key focus is on the diversity that exists among older adults and the promotion of healthy aging for all by examining changes to social, behavioral, and biological functioning with age. Note: Although not required, it would be helpful for students to have taken a 2000-level course in public health. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3200 -  Human Migration: Nomads, Sojourners, and Settlers  (3 Credits)  
Explores the relationship between human migration, voluntary and forced, and social organization and culture in the modern world. Case studies include pastoralists, foragers, refugees, immigrants, sojourners, and settlers and their impact on health, culture, identity, ethnicity, tradition and nationality. Cross-listed with ANTH 3200. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3440 -  Medical Sociology  (3 Credits)  
This course covers key issues in population health and emphasizes how sociological perspectives both challenge and augment biomedical perspectives on health and health care. We also discuss the social causes and consequences of race/ethnic, sex, and socioeconomic disparities in health. Cross-listed with SOCY 3440. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 3500 -  Climate Justice  (3 Credits)  
This inter-and multidisciplinary course will introduce students to the many facets of climate change and climate justice, including ethical, epistemic, and community implications, root causes, and how to advance solutions. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Spring.
PBHL 3939 -  Internship  (1-3 Credits)  
Experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Prereq: Students must have junior standing and at least a 2.00 GPA and must work with Experiential Learning Center advising to complete a course contract and gain approval. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 9 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 9.
Prereq: Junior standing or higher and at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
PBHL 3999 -  Special Topics in Public Health  (1-4 Credits)  
Explores topics in public health. Topics will vary from semester to semester, with a particular emphasis on current topics. Prereq: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Prereq: junior standing or higher
PBHL 4020 -  Global Health: Comparative Public Health Systems  (3 Credits)  
Within a limited period of time, middle and low income countries have experienced dramatic changes that affect the length and quality of peoples' lives. The health indicators for each country reflect a rich and meaningful context within interacting systems of economic, social, cultural patterns, and environmental and social justice. Analysis and contrast of public health indicators such as the millennium development goals develop an understanding of the complexity against a background of change. Prereq: Junior or Senior standing or permission from instructor. Cross-listed with URPL 6349. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: junior standing or higher
PBHL 4021 -  Community Health Assessment  (3 Credits)  
Introduces applied methods of public health, including: analyzing community-level assessment data, developing a casual model for selected health outcomes, maximizing community participation in the assessment process, developing assessments as a team, and setting the stage for effective intervention and evaluation. Prereq: Upper division standing, a course in statistics, and an introductory course in epidemiology (HBSC 4001, 5001). Cross-listed with HBSC 5021. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 4031 -  Ethnographic Research In Public Health  (3 Credits)  
Qualitative, ethnographic tools for practical applications in public health, including methods of direct observation, informant interviews, focus groups, structured ethnographic methods, rapid assessment and participatory action research. Basic analytic strategies, including review of computer software, coding and data display techniques. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 4040 -  Social Determinants of Health  (3 Credits)  
This course explores social inequalities in physical and mental health, the illness experience, the healing professions, health policy, relations between providers and patients, and the structure, access to, and financing of health care organizations, with some cross-national discussions. Prereq: PBHL 2000 or 2001 with a C- or higher. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: PBHL 2000 or PBHL 2001 with a C- or higher
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 4070 -  Health Disparities  (3 Credits)  
The purpose of this seminar is to provide students with an understanding of how historical, psychosocial, environmental, and to some degree, biological and genetic factors contribute to inequality in health and health care. Prereq: PBHL 4040, PBHL 3001, PBHL 2051 with a grade of C- or better. Repeatable. Max hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Prereq: PBHL 2051, 3001, and 4040 with a grade of C- or better
PBHL 4080 -  Global Health Practice  (3 Credits)  
A travel-study course that provides students the opportunity to work on global health issues in the context of a supervised internship experience. In addition to a formal internship placement or directed research opportunity, students attend formal lectures and participate in seminars devoted to addressing those health issues most relevant to the country in which the course is being taught. Prereq: Junior or Senior standing or permission from instructor. Cross-listed with ANTH 4080/5080. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: junior standing or higher
PBHL 4090 -  Psychedelic Anthropology  (3 Credits)  
Psychotropic drugs, both legal and illicit, are a predominant part of our everyday lives. This course examines their use and meaning within cultures of health and wellness, and the plant medicine, spiritual, social, political and economic issues that surround their production, use and misuse. Course activities focus on ethnographic research strategies and arts-based approaches to public scholarship. Prereq: Junior or Senior standing or permission from instructor. Cross-listed with ANTH 4090/5090. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: junior standing or higher
PBHL 4099 -  Capstone Experience in Public Health  (3 Credits)  
Offers students the opportunity to integrate, synthesize and apply concepts learned throughout the core curriculum of the public health major to real-world issues. The course involves extensive writing and small group presentations on the epidemiological, global, social, environmental, and policy dimensions of current problems in public health. Prereq or Coreq: PBHL 2000 or 2001 and all or all but one of PBHL 2020 or 3020, PBHL 3001, PBHL 3030, PBHL 3070, PBHL 4040 with a C- or better. Students must enroll in that remaining course concurrently with PBHL 4099. Term offered: fall, spring. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq/Co-req: PBHL 2000 or 2001 and all or all but one of PBHL 2020 or 3020, PBHL 3001, PBHL 3030, PBHL 3070, PBHL 4040 with a C- or better, and take that remaining course concurrently with PBHL 4099.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring.
PBHL 4110 -  Public Health Perspectives On Family Violence  (3 Credits)  
Public health views family violence from a prevention perspective. Our exploration of child abuse, intimate partner violence, and other forms of family violence will complement other disciplinary approaches by focusing heavily on the community and social factors that contribute to abusive relationships. Theories of power and coercion and approaches to researching these issues will be analyzed and discussed through our exploration of the various forms of family violence. Prereq: Junior or Senior standing or permission from instructor. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Prereq: junior standing or higher
PBHL 4200 -  The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic  (3 Credits)  
Provides a foundation for a critical analysis of HIV/AIDS in global context, concerning topics such as disease, the body, ethnicity/race, gender, sexuality, risk, addiction, power, and culture together with a set of ethnographic texts that explore the epidemic's impact. Cross-listed with HBSC 4200. Term offered: summer. Max Hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Typically Offered: Summer.
PBHL 4620 -  Health Risk Communication  (3 Credits)  
We are bombarded all day with communication expressing a sense of risk, of danger, of threats to our individual and communal well-being. This class acquaints students with contemporary theory, research, and practice in health risk communication across a variety of threats both real and imagined. Cross-listed with COMM 5620, COMM 4620, and ENVS 5620. Max hours: 3 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
PBHL 4840 -  Independent Study  (1-4 Credits)  
This course requires active independent learning based upon a written curricular outline and agreement with faculty in Public Health who supervise the student's work throughout the semester. Note: Students must submit a special processing form completely filled out and signed by the student and faculty member, describing the course expectations, assignments and outcomes, to the CLAS undergraduate advising office for approval. Permission of instructor required. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 4 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 4.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
PBHL 4880 -  Directed Research  (1-6 Credits)  
Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Note: Students must submit a special processing form completely filled out and signed by the student and faculty member, describing the course expectations, assignments and outcomes, to the CLAS undergraduate advising office for approval. Term offered: fall, spring, summer. Repeatable. Max Hours: 6 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 6.
Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
PBHL 4995 -  Global Study Topics  (3-9 Credits)  
This course is reserved for CU Denver faculty-led study abroad experiences. The course topic will vary based on the location and course content. Students register through the Office of Global Education. Prereq: Upper division undergraduate standing and permission of instructor. Repeatable. Max Hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
PBHL 4999 -  Topics in Public Health  (4 Credits)  
An in-depth study of selected social science perspectives/theories and their applications to population health. Topics will vary from semester to semester, with a particular emphasis on current, salient population health problems. Prereq: Junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with HBSC 5999. Repeatable. Max hours: 12 Credits.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Repeatable. Max Credits: 12.
Prereq: junior standing or higher